The sunshine of his mommies heart the lil burriot growing to a big chalupa. The Monkey Monk Monkzilla Stinker Snotter Ninja Godlylilprankster. The shine in my eyes. The reason I know real love. The love of my life my son oh i forget his name but its itchy and pokey and really jokey. Oh Noah Isaac Lee the one who elludes me with so much joy and anger in one lil boy. Not little for long singing bedtime songs. Saying the bedbug part always warms our heart. I love you now and forever my one and only Noah Isaac Lee. Youre amazing through and through- its true! Creative and smart has a gentle heart behind the barbed wire fence theres art and if you help it start ingenuity and invention like his Grandfathers indention in his blood flows years of great people his father will be proud to see how this boy grows too our Noah Isaac Lee.
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