Birthday Countdown

Choose your time and date

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Create Birthday Countdown for Free

Super excited about your upcoming birthday? Set a birthday countdown clock and watch as the timer runs down in time for your special day! Celebrating a birthday with family and close friends is always a special occasion. There's quite a few ways on how you can let them know about it. Posting on social media? Been there, done that. Put out the leaflets? That's old school. Sending letters and invitation cards is a thing of the past. Here in, you can create your very own birthday countdown for the whole world to see! Here's how you can do it. Think of a cool title for your birthday timer, i.e. Awesome Party at My House!

How it is work

Next, fill in the Event Date and add a short, engaging description. You can put in anything that you can think of to let your friends and family know you're celebrating your birthday! Want to make it even cooler? Add a groovy video clip or a mysterious video message (it's all up to you), or add selfies and the cutest photos to complete your special birthday countdown. Now take a quick look at the event and see if you've left anything out. If you're satisfied, then hit the button and share the exciting news to everyone! What's so great about our birthday countdown clock is that you get your very own page and make changes to how you see fit. You can change the colours, make it more sparkly or add more information on how your birthday party will go down as the greatest ever. You can upload the finished birthday countdown timer to your site, share it on various online platforms or send it as an invitation to your friends and family via social media. It's easy, painless and a great way to prepare for the most special occasion in your life!

 birthday countdown

Why Use

Countdown clock, free countdown timer, birthday countdown, day countdown timer. Call it what you like, but there's a reason why people prefer our countdown timer as compared to conventional timers and countdown sites. 100% Accurate Our birthday countdown clock is super accurate right down to the last second. Instead of staring at a day countdown that only shows how many days you have left, i.e., 360 days to go, you'll be treated with your very own birthday clock that displays the current time and how many minutes left until your special day, i.e., 470,000 minutes to go! Highly Configurable It's all about you, so don't be afraid to mix it up and show your personality! You can set different colours for the background. You can choose from different styles. You can create your own personalized message. There are various presentations to choose from. In other words, knows that your day is special so we've made everything special for you as well. Want your birthday countdown clock to display your birthday count to the last second? Sure! We have an array of customizable countdown for you, from ones that show days to ones that count down to seconds. Free and Easy To Use does away with the hassles of web registration and signing up for a birthday timer. Once you enter our site, you can go straight ahead and create your very own bday clock however you like. There's no registration needed. Just go, create and post or share on your favorite social media platforms. Best of all, it's free and you can tell your friends and family about us so they can set up their own birthday clocks as well!

Why Create A Birthday Countdown?

number of day countdown

Why not?'s bday clocks add style, fun and a feeling of child-like anticipation for your next birthday! Everyone should try it so they'll know the exact time of when their birthday comes and make the necessary preparations. Birthday countdown clocks are super easy to set up. Simply enter your birthday at the website and choose how you want the countdown to happen- in days, hours or down to the last minute!

There's virtually no limit to the number of day countdown timers you can create. This means you can create a bday highly customizable countdown clocks for:

  • your best friend,
  • your mom,
  • your classmates
  • or your for kids :).

Those who have a creative streak will have a fun time setting up birthday countdowns and the kids will get a kick out of a special countdown timer that winds down to the day they were born. It's not a matter of why, it's a matter of WHEN! Marking up paper calendars with birthdays of loved ones can be time consuming.

Setting down birthday reminders on the calendar app of your smart phone is boring. Our birthday countdown website is a refreshing take on countdown timers for special occasions such as birthdays. So when you want to get back the feeling of excitement you had when counting down to your birthday, use to mark your special day and let everyone know about it!

Never Miss A Birthday Again Our birthday countdown timer marks the special day for you so that you won't forget. It also lets you know when the birthdays of your loved ones are so that you won't have to make an excuse when you miss out on someone's birthday.

Our bday clock is easy to set up and customize. Set the date, choose the countdown style and decorate the page with pictures and colours. You can be as creative as you'd like to make it all the more exciting. Counting down birthdays has never been more fun.

As long as you're at it, why not put the spotlight on your dearest friends or workmates by setting up a birthday clock of their own? Do a special clock countdown on your family and set a special birthday greeting, complete with a personalized message.

The greetings are super easy to set up and send. You can show your loved ones how much you care by putting in the time and the effort to creating their birthday countdown.

Everything is done online, so you can create a birthday countdown and share it halfway across the world. Melt your loved ones' hearts and show them how much you really care as you remember them on their birthday.

It will be a birthday that they won't soon forget, all because you made it extra special. An Extra Special Occasion For Your Child Ask your children what they're looking forward to the most and they'll probably answer "my birthday". Do you want them to experience their birthday with a new set of goggles and a new level of excitement? is one of the best birthday countdown clock available on the web.

Make the event extra special and one that they will remember for the rest of their lives by using a day countdown timer. What makes it thrilling is the fact that your child will anticipate the passing of each day until their big day comes.

countdown timer

What's more, you can teach your child how they could count down and remember their birthdays. For the bigger kids, they will regain the feeling of excitement as their birthday draws near. When your child grows up, they will remember how you set up a special moment for them on They learn the concept of time and how to celebrate each day as it comes!

Each Birthday Is Unique Go ahead and start your very own special birthday countdown!

Here's some simple steps to get you started:

  • Step 1. Add in great photos of the person who will be celebrating his or her birthday.
  • Step 2. Blue, pink, red or white. Pick the best colour that will match the theme and design. You can even pick out your favorite color to show just how special the birthday countdown is to your loved one!
  • Step 3. Choose from a wide array of themes. Count down in style! Counting down to things is super fun. This is why we gather in big crowds each year to celebrate the coming of the New Year!

How great would it be if you can count down in a similar fashion not just once, but many times? Our birthday countdown clock does just that. Milestones can be great, especially if it's your birthday or a loved one's special day. Add in the ability to choose your colours, pictures and messages, and it becomes an event to look forward to each and every day. We all love countdown songs during holidays, so what's keeping you from setting up one of your own? has a specially-made birthday countdown clock on momentous events.

How You Can Celebrate

How You Can Celebrate A Special Occasion It's not just the birthdays that you can count down. Let's say that you have a daughter who will be turning 16 soon. As you may know, 16 is a special age for a teen. It's the coming of age, and they will naturally want it to be as memorable as possible. As a parent, how can you help them celebrate? More importantly, how can you make it so that it will be the best 16th birthday they will remember? Our birthday countdown timer can help. Instead of everything leading down to just one day of celebration, why not come up with a program that will really build up anticipation and maximum excitement? You can set up a 16-day birthday countdown, each with their own event. You can spread out 16 small gifts for each of those days and make your daughter think about what that last special gift is.

There's literally a million possibilities to try out!

On the 16th day before the birthday, you can deliver 16 birthday balloons in her favorite color.

On the 15th day, you can hand-deliver a gift card for $15 so that she can shop at her favorite accessory store or on iTunes.

On th 14th day, you can surprise her with 14 nail polishes with different colors and glitters. Your daughter will figure out the countdown game and inevitably build up anticipation for the next one. In short, she can't wait until the next day arrives and what you'll give her next!

On the 13th day, you can make a mix tape of 13 songs and put it on her iPod. 12th day is when 12 roses arrive. The excitement is palpable and you can feel the birthday tension building up!

On the 11th day before the big day, the family goes out to watch an 11 o clock movie.

On the 10th day before the bday, you give her 10 bottles of Snapple she can guzzle down.

On the 9th day you can get her a new journal and write down 9 things you love about her.

You give her 8 pairs of lovely earrings on the 8th day.

Treat her out to 7 flavors of ice cream on the 7th day before her birthday.

On the 6th day, treat her out to 6 Redbox coupons.

Give her 5 hair accessories on the 5th, and on the 4th day before bday hand out 4 teen books.

Then, 3 days before the birthday, give her 3 framed pictures of her best friends.

The 2nd day before the event, give out 2 gift certificates for a pedicure.

She deserves the relaxation and the effort in studying, right?

On the day before her birthday, a very thoughtful personalized keychain. You can always make the extra effort to make someone's birthday a special affair. Go one step further and use our birthday countdown website for you and your loved ones' birthday and other commemorative events! Then on her birthday, something that's really special to show how much you care for your wonderful daughter. See how everything leads to excitement, and how there's not a boring moment during the 16 days before her birthday? It's all thanks to the birthday countdown clock reminding you what to get her and when.

The best thing about this is that you can completely customize the small gifts according to your kid's age and personal preferences. You can keep it as simple or as extravagant as you'd like. Bottom line is that you can use our special birthday countdown clock to craft your own timeline leading up to a wonderful occasion!